Florida State Plumbing Exam Course – Plumbing Isometrics

The best and easiest way to get a good introduction to the Isometrics portion of the Florida State Plumbing exam course is to sign up for the course. The first few videos which explain the course and what to expect on the exam are free and there is no obligation or credit card needed to sign up and view them. This course is a comprehensive guide that guides the student from the basic isometric concepts to the more advanced. 

Click below to sign up and watch the free videos.

As always, feel free to call me at any time at 904.755.4111 for the 411 on any matter related to Isometrics.

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The Isometrics course provides the student with all of the tools needed to pass the Isometric portion of the Florida State Plumbing Exam.

It includes Videos that guide the student through the methods of drawing isometrics from easy to complicated. It includes 15 plumbing plan views in a Powerpoint presentation. The student will complete the drawings and email them to the instructor, who will, in turn, grade them and return them with corrections. The course includes 1 hour of Zoom instruction to clarify any questions the student has.

Watch FREE Video

What to expect in the Isometric course

Helpful related resources.

See the resources below to purchase manuals needed for the exam, obtain information in regard to your experience as it relates to your eligibility to obtain a license, sign up to take the exam, and activate your license after you’ve passed the exam.